Routing Number: 253184430
Security and Resources
As an owner of American Partners FCU, you should have comfort in knowing that our staff makes every effort to protect your sensitive information. Employees are well trained when it comes to security and our system security remains a top priority. In this section, you will find tools to assist if you think you are a victim of fraud. You will also find security and learning tools for every age group in most any situation. Our resouces include videos, games, checklists and lots of information. Explore for yourself! You will learn something new for sure!
Has your debit card been lost or stolen? Do you need to file a dispute of a transaction?
Debit cards – 1.844.596.1322
Has your credit card been lost or stolen? Do you need to file a dispute of a transaction?
Credit cards – 1.800.422.0733
Be sure to check our home page for the latest security tips and alerts!